SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) Legislation Triggers Global Protest — Wikipedia and Other Major Websites Plan Shutdown

Part of being a successful person, is learning how you can make an impact on your community, culture and country. And the truth is, whether you take action or not, you will impact everyone for all time to come. If SOPA passes, your freedom and everyone elses will be dropped down to zilch, taking away so many powerful tools (such as link sharing in blogs like this!) and take away more opportunities for you to be successful.

If SOPA fails, we'll have to find a way to enforce current plagerism and piracy laws WITHOUT constitutional amendments, draconian bills like SOPA or taking away the freedoms of the majority to protect the minority.

If you're unfamiliar with SOPA, please take a look at the hub down below by LHwritings.

SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) Legislation Triggers Global Protest — Wikipedia and Other Major Websites Plan Shutdown