An Epic Commitment

After writing, editing and re-writing (several times) my SLC Epic Vision and Mission statements, I felt it was only right to put make my Epic Commitment more concrete, by publishing it here in the interwebs.

I feel this is important for two reasons:
  1. To clarify and inspire you
  2. To offer our clients a fantastic example of a commitment that sets the stage for personal and professional success.
 So here it is, the SLC Epic Commitment:

1. We commit to encouraging and inspiring authentic professionals and individuals to create a life of prosperity and abundance for themselves and their expanded communities.

2. We commit to providing extraordinary value added coaching and to support our clients and communities needs by whatever means necessary.

3. We commit to support all SLC Coaches, Staff Members, Partners and Community Members to achieve clean and harmonious communication, free of gossip, drama and unnecessary misunderstandings.

4. We commit to supporting and inspiring the entire company and community to live a life of NO REGRETS, both inside and outside of the company.

5. We commit to supporting SLC and all of it's team members in every way possible, and to attracting and creating a culture of infinite abundance and prosperity for all, as it should be.

6. We commit to supporting our commitment to community excellence, and to the fulfillment of our mission to pioneer the world of personal development and professional achievement for our clients, coaches and team members.

7. We commit to empowering all team members and partners, to achieve consistent breakthrough performance, and a leadership role in at least one place in the SLC community.

8. We commit to empowering everyone within SLC to live an empowered and satisfying live of Epic Contribution to their local and expanded communities.

9. We commit to creating an ideal company culture and environment that attracts, rewards and maintains and dream team staff that shares the vision of what superior coaching and community expansion can accomplish.

10. We commit to supporting the SLC community to excel as a a role model in all communities, the personal and professional development industry, and to inspire respect, confidence and admiration in all.

What do ya think? Is that a Kick Ass commitment or what? =)