Has Facebook Become the Anti-Social Network?

In the last few months the famed social network Facebook has cracked down on socialites everywhere. From business owners who want to network, to people who just like to know people all around the world - people are complaining all over about the Facebook Friend Request Bans going on.

If you've just found yourself banned for the first time, which should be for 4 days, then you're probably confused and a little pissed - which is understandable most of your friends requests were to old high school friends or just to some new people in a facebook group you connected with.

Even worse still, is when facebook suggests friends FOR YOU, whom you've never met, and then they BAN you for accepting that invitation. Why send friend suggestions then? Has the facebook server been hijacked by some anti-social Zuckerburg alter-ego or is this just a cruel experiment?

Millions of facebook users are now asking themselves those questions along with - "What's happened to my facebook social network?" And, "I wonder if there are any better social networkers out there... Maybe I'll just go back to MySpace..."

Though the biggest question as of yet, is "How in the heck do I contact facebook to let them know how much I can't stand the friends request policy?"

No wonder Facebook stocks have dropped and every stock holder is getting red under the collar. User's receiving this kind of treatment aren't going to stick around, and the proof is in the pudding for every profile I've personally seen deleted because of the users disgust with facebooks intentions. It's almost as if they've been taken over by some government conspiracy to prevent the worlds largest social network from being so social - as if their trying to prevent the quick spread of viral information.

Now, I'd like to personally think this is just one Big Bug in their blocking system, but the more it goes on without any direct work from facebook, the less I'm able to believe it's just an innocent cock up...

Interestingly enough, none of the mainstream search engines or news medias are reporting a single bit of the huge contention brewing throughout the digital world of facebook - so it's hard to think that this is just an innocent accident. Can bing, google, ask and zuula all really be missing out on all the complaints going around? There are groups being started, pages that go up and then disappear a few days later. Even I started a note to spread the news about how to contact facebook, and I wouldn't doubt it if that note mysteriously disappears by tomorrow.

Still, I want to believe in the best of everyone, and if it's just a matter of an algorhythm mix up catching nice people in scammer prevention systems, then it's time we users speak up! Check out my note on facebook and join me in sending feedback to facebook and ask for a solution!

Dear Facebook - Please Change Your Policy or Fix the Bug!

Also, here is the Feedback Form for Profile's if for any reason the link above becomes unreadable.

Let's get facebook back on our side!